A Man Who Died That Night


The Primes' residence seemed deserted. In the still-too-darkness of the morning, but the sound of a ringing telephone broke the silence.

A maid who happened to have woken up and was preparing breakfast was startled by the sound of the telephone ringing loudly.

Fortunately, a male butler quickly picked up the phone before the whole house woke up to a loud voice phone.

"Good morning, with the Prime Family residence. May I help you?" said the butler in a deep but still friendly voice.

After receiving a call in the morning, the butler ran fast. The footsteps from the butler could even be heard throughout the room.

The maid in the kitchen peeked and wondered what had made him so hasty. She could even see the phone receiver that was still lying there. Was the caller still connected?

A knock on the door came from Aaron Prime and his wife Caroline Prime's room.