Wedding Invitation

The halls of the hospital have begun to fill with workers who have started their routine activities.

Ella looked at several nurses walking quickly past her, carrying several piles of clipboards and having a serious conversation with the friend beside her.

Whispering about an operation being prepared that morning.

Ella's gaze was still staring straight at the white door, which was only a meter away from her sight. 

The door creaked softly, and she immediately straightened her face.

Sarah was sitting in her wheelchair and stared at Ella silently, who also returned her gaze.

It seemed that Sarah was still surprised that Ella was still waiting for her. Ron slowly stopped pushing the wheelchair. He stopped right in front of Ella.

"So... are there any serious injuries?" Ella asked doubtfully.

"Luckily not, it's just that Sarah has to rest for a few days. Until her leg is completely healed." Answered Ron.