Alfred And Rose

That night it rained heavily. Ella had just arrived at the Lewis residence. When she saw Beatrix already greeted her at the entrance.

"Good evening, Mrs. Ella."

Beatrix greeted politely, took Ella's coat, and placed it neatly between her wrists.

Ella glanced weakly at the butler, showing a bland smile with a tired feeling.

Ella's brushing her wet hair. The drops of water made the floor around her wet.

The sound of the heavy rain pouring down made her try to read the words that came out of Beatrix's lips.

Beatrix immediately closed the main door. Suddenly the sound of the heavy rain became muffled.

"Would you like me to prepare something? You've missed your dinner."

Beatrix followed Ella's steps as they started to climb the first step, "Is Vivian still awake?" Ella asked, who suddenly remembered her mother-in-law.