It's All Because of Your Husband, Ella!

Agency Nancy

"I'm sorry, Ella."

Nancy looked very frustrated right now. She could only hope that Ella would understand her current situation and condition. Ella was still silent in her thoughts, sitting on one of Nancy's sofa chairs.

The atmosphere in Nancy's study was becoming too congested for her at this time. Ella held back a feeling of anger mixed with annoyance. Even Nancy didn't dare to look at her directly.

"I know this is too sudden. I've never had a personal problem with you, Ella. Just so you know. But this is all because of your husband's wish." Nancy walked over to Ella, holding her shoulder with the most empathy she could try to show.

"He and that man put so much pressure on me so I could do this to you. I'm quite surprised that the man could find out about my past business scheming."

Nancy's face turned deathly pale, remembering that a few hours earlier, she had met a man named Steward again.