Clarissa: Did you know that Ella disappeared?


Wade Huxley was quite surprised by the presence of his wife, who suddenly opened the door violently. Even his wife didn't care about her husband's complaints regarding how she should enter politely.

"How come you just sit quietly in here!!?" Marioline placed her expensive leather bag on Wade's desk. While the man still didn't budge from behind his desk.

"You must have known about Alan canceling the partnership!"

"This is insane! Completely RIDICULOUS!!" Marioline was still complaining.

"Yes, I did. And I'm just as upset as you are, Marioline." Wade replied.

"Are you sure you're upset? I just saw a guy who was spending his free time just keeping quiet," Marioline quipped, her chin tilted up even more arrogantly.

Wade rose from his chair, approaching his wife with an unfriendly look.