Two Men

"Edward Huxley! Where are you?"

Thomas's voice was loud calling his son.

Edward glanced at his cell phone, which he had placed between the dashboard of the car. His eyes were fixed on the long road ahead.

"I just need some fresh air, dad." Edward's short answer. He was sure his father had very clearly overheard his argument with Abigail.

"Edward, when are you going to be a mature thinking man? Like it or not, Abigail is your wife." Thomas was still talking to his son.

"Heh...!" Edward snorted in annoyance. He wanted so badly to turn off his cell phone. So his father wouldn't start and continue lecturing him.

"Forgive me," Edward replied curtly.

"Edward, Remember! Now you have a son. Do you want to see your son grow up always watching his parents fight? Or do you want your son - Jefford, to face your divorce? Would you be that cruel, Edward Huxley?"