Important Meeting

Emma was in the Huxleys' main room. She had just received an incoming call from someone she had been waiting for it.

Emma was still talking to someone on her cell phone. She was standing watching her surroundings. She worried if anyone overheard her conversation at that time.

"Ahh.. really? Did you found the data? Emma's face showed that she was so happy to hear the news.

"I'll be there soon, maybe this afternoon," Emma said.

Clarissa - she is already neat in her formal clothes. After breakfast with her family, Clarissa was getting ready to start her work.

Emma watched Clarissa walking cheerfully past her. Lately, Emma felt that she had rarely quarreled with her daughter. Even several times, Clarissa has been friendly and strange in front of Emma.

"Clarissa? Where are you going?" Emma moved her cell phone away from a little. So she could talk to her daughter.