The Baby Girl

"Hey, aren't you bored? What can we do in this quiet condition?"

Luna did not straighten her face. She was still busy making books and recording some items that had to return to suppliers. Trying to ignore Clarissa, who was asking her questions from behind the counter.

"Hah..! How long have I been working here? But why have I only seen Calvin in this place a few times?" Clarissa protested, and Luna still kept her cool and tried to pretend not to hear.

"Huh... I'm so bored." Clarissa complained again and made Luna unable to concentrate clearly.

Luna stomped her book on purpose, annoyed with Clarissa, who was still protesting. 

"Don't you still have a lot of work to do? And if you're tired of working here, I have a suggestion. How about you submit your letter of resignation ASAP!! I'd be happy to accept it," Luna said with a smirk.