Dear God

Zoe helped with her son, who had already prepared little Ella's request. Because that night she wanted to sleep with her mother. Zoe and Raymond rarely granted little Ella's request to sleep with her mother. Because Ella's condition still needs to be monitored.

William had pulled up the spare bed. Little Ella was ready with her yellow pajamas, brown teddy bear, and a book of fairy tales in her hands.

Zoe helped little Ella get up on the bed. She lightly thumped little Ella's pillow before the little girl started sleeping.

"Now, you can sleep comfortably... but... remember you..."

"You can't pull that tube, that one, that one and that too, (Little Ella pointed at the IV tube attached to her mother's body). I also can't be on top of mom's body, kick or hit accidentally," continued little Ella, already knowing Zoe would issue a long rule.

"Smart girl. It's good that you know," praise Zoe proudly.