Ella : Who is that little girl?

Moments before.

Little Ella can breathe a sigh of relief because doctor Paul has arrived. She remembered how Zoe had panicked too much and had forgotten to contact Doctor Paul first. Little Ella made the outgoing call and the doctor to arrive at Smith's castle as soon as possible.

Little Ella was peeking from behind her mother's room door. She was looking at doctor Paul was still checking her mother's condition.

Ella turned her body. Her small steps could quickly run. Her mind was directing her to go to her room. Suddenly, she remembered something important.

"Ahh..! Where do I put it, huh?"

Ella asked herself, and she looked around the room carefully. 

"I have to find it. Mom is awake. Aunt Zoe said, when she is awake, I can give her as a gift."