Alfred's Threat : Let the court decide later.

Alan Smith - the man, was already in the main room of the Lewis residence. His eyes focused on the figure of a man who was also staring intently at him. 

His eyes already represented his distaste for Alan Smith's presence. Alfred Lewis met Alan Smith's gaze with a very faint smile, looking like he was sneering.

Little Ella was with William, forced to skip the dessert Beatrix had prepared. Because suddenly, Alan Smith came to pick them all up.

Ella walked over to her daughter, and they both walked over to Alan Smith. The man was still showing his tension and rigidity.

"Ella, are you ready to go home?" Alfred asked with a sweet attitude. He didn't care about Alan Smith, who glanced at him annoyed.

"Are you okay, Ella?" Alan Smith asked, and seeing his daughter's pale face.

"I think I just need some rest, and Alfred is right because I'm going home now," Ella said. She saw Alfred walking towards her.