Ella : Let's make a deal

"You're so cunning, Alfred. Using your daughter to get what you want?" Ella said sarcasm.

"You're too mean said that, Ella. I care about you and our daughter," Alfred answered, but actually, he didn't feel offended by what Ella said.

"Forgive me," Ella said briefly.

The sound of music suddenly sounded. The music immediately made Alfred close his eyes with a smile that he still showed. 

"Ahh... I like this music."

Ella rolled her eyes strangely, trying to listen to the music that only Alfred seemed to be enjoying. Ella just looked confused and slightly frowned.

Alfred got up from his chair, got out from behind the table, and walked towards Ella. He slightly bowed before Ella and finally reaching out his hand for Ella.

"What?" asked Ella confused because Alfred was still sticking out his right hand and put his left hand behind his back.