Hopeless Part1

The afternoon before – While Ella preparing to go home from the hospital.

"What!! Are you going home already, Ella?"

Luna's footsteps stopped with the phone still stuck to her ear. She had just passed the exit from Calvin's boutique, intending to see Ella.

"Ella, you just told me this morning that you were in the hospital. Even though you've been there since yesterday. And just this afternoon, I wanted to visit you. It turns out you're already going home." Luna grumbled annoyed, she turned back around and walked into Calvin's shop.

"I'm sorry, Luna. I promise to meet you. And I can't stay long because Alfred is waiting for me."

"What, Alfred? Are you with that guy? Ella, has your mind been poisoned by him? Did you forget... Ah..! I forgot you forgot your memory." Luna grumbled, annoyed to hear Alfred's name.

"Luna, calm down. Nothing will happen to me, and you don't have to worry too much." Ella said reassuringly.