Alfred Teases: Much Romance We Can Make, Ella

"Did you forget that night? I came to your house, Ella?" Rose said in a loud voice, and it was heard by Edward's ears.

Edward immediately turned his face curiously. His steps also stopped because of a very large curiosity.

"Rose with Ella?" Edward thought.

Edward's guess was right. Ella was with Rose. But the question of why she could be with Rose, who in fact they were never close at all.

The curious Edward changed his steps, and tried to approach the two women. At the same time, Edward also saw Rose holding out her hands. And he immediately knew Rose's evil intentions at that time.

Edward quickened his pace, and deftly grabbed Ella's hand just as a caravan might have hit Ella's body.

Edward immediately hugged Ella tightly in his arms, he could feel Ella's body shaking because of the shock he had just experienced.

**Flashback end**

"Where are you taking me?" asked Ella, confused because Edward had not slowed his pace.