The Feeling Of Love That Grows Back

Alfred had not fortified his wife because he had shifted his body to be beside Ella.

"Ella, your head hurts again?" Alfred asked. The man also examined Ella's forehead with the back of his hand.

"You have a slight fever, and you should take your medicine."

Alfred got out of bed, and he started walking towards Ella's cabinet. Ella was confused because Why did the man know where she had put her medicines?

"Drink it!" Alfred handed Ella's medicine and a glass of water that he got on the cabinet.

"I'm sorry I force you too much, Ella. You need to rest for now."

Ella just nodded slowly because a feeling of dizziness began to sway her head. With one gulp, Ella had managed to take four medicines at the same time.

"I'm so tired today. I want to rest. And the smell of these flowers is making my head hurt, even more, Alfred. Could you ask Beatrix to help tidy it up?" Ella asked, and her face was still pale.