Blood Group: That guy is Jefford's father?

Edward, Emma, ​​Clarissa, and Ron. The four of them had arrived at the hospital. Their footsteps were very fast in every hospital hallway, looking for the room where Jefford was.

Abigail immediately straightened her face that looked pale and panicked, when she heard the bustling footsteps. Tears were already in her eyes. She won't know how long she had been in front of the surgery room. She has waited and felt anxious and afraid of her son's condition.

Abigail's face showed surprise because Edward wasn't the only one who came at this time. Her mother-in-law and sister-in-law, as well as a man she doesn't know.

"What happened, Abigail?" Edward asked,

"Oh... Abigail?" Emma tried to show her sympathy. She sat next to Abigail, and her hand was slowly gripping Abigail's shoulder.

Clarissa subconsciously held Ron's hand. She did it to cover her anxiety. Ron looked flushed when Clarissa gripped his hand too tightly.