Alfred's confession: You have to kill me first!

"Will..?" Little Ella exclaimed cheerfully.

Little Ella let go of her mother's hand and jumped at William. He immediately caught her swiftly.

"Hi, Ella.? You look fine. You've made me so worried," William said to little Ella.

Ella looked at him suspiciously.

"Don't worry, Ella, nothing has happened to your husband. After all, someone named Steward is inside with your husband," said William.

"Steward?" Ella thought.

It's true what William said. Ella and her daughter saw Steward, who was already in her husband's room. They seemed to be having a serious conversation and stopped when Ella and her daughter appeared.

"Ella, my princess?" Alfred called and making a smile for his little daughter.

Ella looked at Alfred's strange change in attitude. The man was much calmer and was able to be friendly. Little Ella walked carefully over to her father, who was sitting on the edge of the bed.