Restless Woman

Restaurants in the City of London.

"You look very so beautiful tonight, Luna," Calvin whispered,

Luna was squeezing her dress more nervously. It wasn't that she wasn't happy with Calvin's compliment. But that night, she was very nervous, all because of the preparations to meet Aaron's prime.

Currently, they are both in a luxury restaurant in the center of London. A luxury European-style restaurant with various mainstay menus served by chefs who have special certificates. That's what Luna read on a billboard in front of the entrance.

Luna watched every visitor who came, and she could be sure from their appearance. That the visitors who come, are not from the ordinary people. Her heart shrunk, and even more, watching her appearance.

Does she deserve to be there?

The two of them were already seated, with a round table in front of them. Calvin and Luna are sitting opposite each other.