Invitation & Help

Ella had just arrived and met her best friend, Luna.

That night she accepted Luna and Calvin's invitation to have dinner at their place.

Luna must have closed earlier, and Calvin had arrived early. The two women immediately embraced and missed each other.

"Ahh... looks like we haven't seen each other in a long time," Luna said, and she was still holding Ella tightly.

"Oh yeah? You're right. It's been a long time," Ella replied.

"Ella..! how are you?" Calvin greeted cheerfully. He had just emerged in a bright yellow apron.

"Calvin, what are you doing?" Ella asked in surprise.

"Me? I'm cooking?" Calvin said and smirked. "Are you guys going to stand there? Let's go upstairs! I cooked something delicious tonight."

Luna and Ella walked cheerfully and following Calvin's footsteps, who were in front of them. Calvin quickened his pace, don't know what made him rush.