Ghost of the Past - "Who is this woman? Who is Laras?"

And there is one person who makes them go back to that place.

Celine– it was the woman who proposed the first time so that they could all hide in that place. After the attack on Smith's castle.

A hiding place that she once shared with her dead husband.


Flashback – Related Chapter 40 – Another Prince

Ella was still walking towards the nearest bus stop. There were already several people waiting at the dumbbell. 

"Hey Ella, it's really cold this morning, isn't it?" Say hello from a man in a brown leather jacket.

"Morning William, you're right. Even my heater just suddenly froze today," Ella replied. 

William was a person who lived in the same area as Ella, at the time.

Their acquaintance started because they often met at the bus stop where they were currently waiting. Making the two of them closer, usually, Celine was seen with him at that time.