Romance #1 (WARNING!!! ADULT CONTENT!! 21+)

Ella walked with one hand that was already holding the shoe she had just taken off, letting her feet touch the soft sand and the occasional splash of water hitting the surface of her feet.

"Do you like this place?"

Alfred turned to his wife. His hand grabbed Ella's other hand. The smile he gave was so sweet that Ella was silenced because of her husband's charm.

"This place is great. But is it just the two of us here?" Ella asked in disbelief.

"Don't worry, madam. There are my wife and me, and also my eight-year-old son. Our house is at the back of where you'll be staying." It was clear that Aulelio had closed his motorboat.

"Please, follow me. My wife has tidied up and provided everything you need tonight." Aulelio continued and was already walking in front of them.