New Information From Calvin

The next day,

On a sunny day, Luna and Ella are in a large flower garden. A beautiful park with roses dominates the area.

"What do you think, mam?" Said a man in a blue shirt. His bright yellow tie made his appearance stand out that day.

"Uhm, let me see one more time," Luna took the tablet from the man's hand. She rubbed the screen with a quick motion. Her eyes alternately glanced toward the garden area.

"I think the second one is better." Ella was beside her and tried to give advice.

The two of them were observing the visual design created by Jerry - who was in charge of organizing the wedding. 

The man looked patient, with all of Luna's worries. Even though Luna had been thinking about it for an hour, she still couldn't decide what kind of layout she wanted.

"Hhh..." Luna took a deep breath. "Okay, I've decided which one I'll choose," she said. 

Jerry's smile immediately widened, "Finally..!" Jerry thought happily.