She's back: Rihana Pradipa Hartanegara

"Welcome, Miss Hana. Glad to see you home safely."

A woman in a formal blue suit greeted without a smile with a face that was so flat on Hana's arrival at the entrance. Hana glanced cynically at her father's assistant.

"Hello, Sandra. Long time no see. You seem to have changed your hairstyle," said Hana, who noticed Sandra's shorter hairstyle.

"Your father had been waiting for you, Miss Hana. I hope you can give him a good explanation. Lately, I've been busy with all the work." Sandra's eyes still saw Hana passing past her.

Sandra was sure that Hana heard her words clearly, although the woman didn't seem to care what Sandra had to say about her father wanting to talk to her.

"Ya... ya...ya.. I'll talk to him. Oh yeah, where's Grandpa? Hhmmm.., I miss him so much and can't wait to tell him." Hana's steps stopped right at the first step.

"Your grandfather is currently undergoing treatment. Soon Master will be back," Sandra answered.