Death Notices, Again

The following week, Jack worked seven straight night shifts.

The days and nights were reversed.

Just thinking about it made Jack depressed.

These days, he had to commute to work every day, and the routine really bored him.

In addition to that, in the days before the broadcast, the Death Inquisitor began to fade from everyone's sight, and the once-hot death broadcast room became a topic of conversation only when people were gathering around.

The news media's coverage of the live broadcast of death also decreased.

However, the Zero Task Force had not slacked off. In the past few days, they were persistent in tracing the bank account and the surveillance camera that showed the back of the Death Judge.

Unfortunately, there was a stump, and there were no developments at all!

Meanwhile, activities at Winston High School had gone back to normal somehow. It was back to its usual state of tranquility.