The Hidden Rules of the Game

Task Force Zero was getting busy in their office at the New York Police Department.

Hart took a sip of coffee and said, "The Death Judge has changed the way of the game again. However, the rules of the game this time look very simple. It's just prolonged killing."

"Isn't it better this way? It's simple and direct. Everything is obvious. The public also wants to see these scumbags die,"Judy added.

"That's not right. If it was just a simple massacre, then the Death Judge wouldn't even bother to broadcast it live. He could have killed them directly in the dark. That way, we wouldn't be able to find him. But what he wants is to play with the criminals. In other words, he doesn't want them to die just die. What he wants is the torturing process. Every time he broadcasts, it's a show of technology. He's showing off to us and to the audience. He is satisfied when he gets everyone's admiration."