Four People with Ten Hands

"Guess who they will choose to lie in that coffin? I bet it will be that Kanasan!"

"I'm sure it will be Gardner. You should know that Belina revealed that it was because of Gardner that they ended up there. The other four people will definitely hate him to death and will unite against him."

"After all, Kanasan is a woman. It will be easier to push her in. The four men will probably join forces."

"Let's not worry about that for now. Do you have an intelligent analysis? Where are the traps in this level?"

"There aren't any traps in this level, right? The rules of the game are very clear. This is a rescue type game. They just need to rescue people from the inside. To be honest, this level is a little too simple."

"That's simple? If Belina were there, the game would be very simple. They would definitely get out. But now there's one less person. They're in big trouble!"

Meanwhile, in the sealed room, Gardner and the others looked at each other.