Hamburger Ingredients

Gardner had never been so devastated. If the design of the game itself made it impossible for them to survive, then he was dead. The Death Inquisitor had not given him a chance. But now that he had connected the rules and traps of the game, he realized what a huge mistake he had made. He realized that he had been led step by step into the trap by the Death Inquisitor, the situation that he could have survived had been completed by him. He was in total despair.

This was what made him break down the most!

"Why! Why did this happen! Why did I make such a low-level mistake? I deserve to die! I deserve to die!"

Looking at Gardner kneeling on the ground wailing and crazily hitting the ground with his hands, Ajay, Madeleine, and Weston were dumbfounded. The viewers in the live broadcast room were also dumbfounded. They had no idea what he was doing.

"Is this guy crazy?"