Where is the Key?

"Bastard! Damn Death Inquisitor! You lied to me! I don't have the key on me!" Loggins roared angrily.

When the audience in the live broadcast room heard this, they couldn't help but laugh.

"This guy is really an idiot. He can't really think that the Death Inquisitor will put a key on him and let him open the water tank easily, then slowly wait for the time to end, right?"

"What an idiot! Even my dog knows that the key is just a general term. The key that the Inquisitor mentioned could be hair, fingernails, fingers, or something else."

"Hair unlock. Even if he knew, would he know these things?"

"I don't think so. He doesn't look very smart."

Ross and the others couldn't help but cover their faces. They really didn't expect it. They were almost worried to death about Loggins' behavior. Did he not watch the live broadcast of death?

He was really stupid!