The Case of Los Angeles

Jack looked at the girl in white and nodded.

The girl handed him a random candle and said, "Go light it for her. We are all here to see her off. I hope she can rest in peace."

Jack took the candle. This was the place where he had found the body. He did not expect to walk to this place. He did not expect that so many people would send off the victim, Bun.

When he lit the candle, he found that the candles were arranged to form a few words.

Bun, rest in peace -- Death Inquisitor.

Jack was slightly stunned, and then he put down the candle.

"Bun, rest in peace. The Death Inquisitor has avenged you."

"Bun, rest in peace. Bless the Death Inquisitor. Let him judge a few more bad guys!"

"Wu wu wu...Little Bun, rest in peace. I'll miss you."

The people who sent him off whispered along the way. Jack turned around and left. He walked alone in the night, his figure slowly blending into the darkness.