I Am Your Executor

The screen in the broadcast room started to flicker and then stabilized.

In the screen was a pitch-black sealed room. Six people could be vaguely seen sitting on chairs.

Crack crack crack!

A series of sounds rang out. Rows of lights on the ceiling lit up, lighting up the entire secret room.

In the middle of the room, six people were sitting on iron chairs and fixed by iron locks. They had closed their eyes and had not woken up yet.

The six people were Judge Harriman and the five gut-wrenchers!

When the lights lit up and the six people appeared, the audience in the live broadcast room was instantly detonated. They sent out bullet screens crazily, directly covering up the scene.

"How is this possible? ! How did the judge do it?!"

"Yeah! How did he do it? If someone else told me about what had just happened, I would never have believed it!"