The Human Intestines are Limited

When the four men heard the Death Judge's cold and deep voice, they trembled and subconsciously looked at the monitor.

30 million!

On the red voting box on the left side of the monitor, more than 30 million people had already voted!

The four of them each took out more than seven feet of intestines and stacked them on the ground. On the right side of the monitor, there were only 20 million votes.

"Ah! These damn guys! Why did they vote so many times!"

"Hurry up! There's still one minute left. Pull out all the intestines! Otherwise, we'll all die!"

"Damn it! Hurry up! Dig faster! We still have a chance to survive!"

The four of them shouted in pain, and their hands sped up again.

At this moment, the screen zoomed in and gave a close-up shot.