The Fury of the Netizens!

"Brothers, the live broadcast of death has begun. Hurry up and go!"

"F*ck! This person is a pervert who specializes in torturing women!"

"He's simply inhumane. His sexual organs are stuffed in his mouth. Even now, when I think about it, I still feel a little nauseous!"

"Judge, we must kill this devil."

There were many female comments on the bullet screen in the live broadcast room.

Ever since the cases were exposed, every woman in New York was terrified, afraid that they would be next.

Whenever they thought of the miserable looks of those women, their bodies would turn cold.

Meanwhile, in the New York Police Department...

Monica skillfully opened the live broadcast room and projected it onto the big screen.

"The Death Judge has begun!"

On the screen, Ross and the others felt a burst of uncontrollable anger from the moment they saw it.

In the dark environment...