If You Dare to Believe It, the Eye Snake is Crawling Towards Him

Entering the second room, Brent slammed the door shut with a bang. He fell to the ground and panted heavily.

Every time he inhaled, he felt a burning pain.

"Damn it, when I get out, I'll definitely kill you."

"Welcome to the Devil's key level. I wish you good luck!"

The cold mechanical notification sounded, but it didn't give Brent much time to catch his breath. The game had already started.

"Automatic timer activated. Sensing completed. Activation successful."

Brent was shocked. The death helmet on his head let out a "ding" sound and started the countdown. There was a total of 10 minutes.

At the same time, the big screen in the center began to display the blood-red numbers. In his eyes, they seemed to have become deadly notes.

The key to the helmet was placed in a glass cabinet in the center.

As long as he got the key, he could stop the timer and stop the blades in the helmet.