Live Broadcast Location, Opposite the Police Station

Brent successfully got the key.

He climbed out of the pool, squeezed the key with his remaining fingers, and smiled triumphantly.

He was free!

He finally survived the game of the Death Inquisitor.

Brent was completely immersed in great joy, completely unaware of the countless leeches that covered his entire body, head, arms, and ears.

They were still squirming crazily. Some of them had already burrowed into his flesh, leaving only half of their body exposed. They looked like parasites in horror movies.

"Oh my god. This is too scary. I won't even dare to sleep tonight. I'm afraid I'll have nightmares."

"You're right. I won't even dare to drink water now. I'm afraid that a leech will suddenly appear in the water. Sigh! It's all a damn delusion."

"Look, there are leeches moving in his skin. Oh my god."

"Hmph! It's best to suck his blood dry. A scum like him will not be able to repay his crime even if he dies ten thousand times."