Men Are Private

The woman was shocked and subconsciously slapped the bald man.


With a slap, he was taken aback and retreated a bit.

The bald man obviously did not realize that he was actually hit by a woman. Moreover, it was in front of his underlings. He was stunned for a while before he thought of how to react.

His face immediately turned gloomy and he shouted, "You stinky bitch! How dare you hit me!"

He then turned to his underlings. "Catch her for me! Today, I will show her how powerful I am!"

The bald man revealed a fierce look, which was so sinister and frightening

The woman was so scared that she kept stepping back. She took a step forward and walked towards her district.

He knew that if she fell into the hands of these people, even if she would not die, she would at least lose a layer of skin.

The woman who lived next door to her was also forcibly taken away by these people and was sent home in a bad state.