I’ll Let You Blow on Me

"Open it and see!" Ross's unyielding spirit began to soar again.

Judy didn't wait for him to finish speaking and directly clicked to start the game. The rules of the game appeared on it.

It was probably using the up, down, left, and right keyboards on the keyboard to control the bricks to move on the floor and fall into the holes in each level.

There was a total of fifty levels.

During the game, if the bricks slipped from the edge of the floor, the game would start again.

After the game ended, an irregular floor made of square tiles appeared on the screen. On one side was a square hole, and on the other side was a red rectangular brick. The length was the length of two tiles, and the bottom was the same size as the tiles.

"Do you want to play?" Judy said as she started the game.

In less than ten seconds, they had successfully passed the seven levels.