Peter’s Broken Heart

New York was like a big steamer in summer. It was excruciatingly hot and humid.


At six o'clock, a loud thunder resounded in the sky. A strong wind suddenly rose and dark clouds covered the sky.

In an instant, it was raining cats and dogs.

Jack took his umbrella out of the door. Just as he walked past the door, he saw a Mercedes-Benz parked downstairs. Brady hurriedly got out of the car and opened the back door.

"Mr. Jack, Please!"

Jack was a little surprised, but since the other party was already there, he couldn't refuse, so he got in the car.

Brady closed the car door, returned to the driver's seat, and started the car to leave.

When they left, there was a woman who was wet all over standing downstairs. It was Jack's neighbor, Hannie.

She watched as the Mercedes-Benz sped off. She felt like she was dreaming.

Wasn't Jack a security guard?