Is a Game That Makes People Stupid

The netizens in the live broadcast room were disappointed. They were looking forward to the scene of blood splattering everywhere, but in the end, they were shown this disappointing scene. 

"It's useless, it's useless. Isn't it just pulling out two teeth? Why are they so conflicted?"

"If you don't pull it out now, you won't have time. You two idiots, do you want your teeth or your life? Hurry up and take action. Sigh! What a headache!"

"You still think you're smart enough to commit a crime? I think you're just two pig heads. You're not afraid that the wind will hurt your back even if you're bragging. I'm laughing."

Peter's face was gloomy. He raised his head to look at the time and spat out a mouthful of turbid air. His gaze was fierce.