Two Conditions to Push the Game to a Dead End

At this time, Adonis struggled even harder. He felt as if his entire body had melted.

"Hold on, and quickly hold on to the key, or else everything will be for naught." Peter kept pressing on his shoulder and urged him.

Adonis felt a great pain in his head, as if someone had used a needle to stir up his brain.

But he heard Peter's words, so he bit the key with his mouth.

As soon as he opened his mouth, his whole lips were a little out of control.

And the key was very small, so it was not easy to pinch.

Adonis tried twice, and on the third time, his whole lips fell off, leaving only his teeth exposed, which scared the netizens in the live broadcast room.

Peter's head also hurt.

They were too cruel.

They were too bloody.

But without the key, there was only death.

"Quick, use your teeth. You can do it," Peter urged.