Invitation to Death

The man seemed to have transformed into a ferocious beast, his speed incomparably swift.

Pa Pa Pa...

Moreover, Jenny's corpse still had a little bit of warmth, which stimulated the man's ferocity even more. This made him even crazier and put in even more effort as he crazily advanced towards Jenny's deepest parts.

Jenny's two white legs were carried on the man's shoulders, swaying slightly. They were already sparkling with sweat as they rubbed against the skin on the man's shoulders.

One up and one down, swaying alone.

Two minutes later, the man stopped his madness and wiped the sweat on his forehead.

He looked at Jenny again and a bloody scar appeared in his eyes.

"What's wrong? Why are you crying? Did I hurt you?" The man went forward in panic and reached out to wipe the bloody tears from the corner of Jenny's eyes.