I Think I Can Do It Too

At this moment, Willie heard the sound of an explosion and rushed in from the door.

Jack's cold voice resounded throughout the conference room. "Officer Loggins, Officer Monica, Officer Ross, and other officers who came in, I advise you not to move. These people's lives are in your hands. If you want them to be fine, just stand still."

At this moment, Ross said with a gloomy face, "What exactly do you want? How did you know that we were here?"

"The board meeting was arranged three days ago. Do you think that I will send out the invitation on the 17th to make you tense up for a day? After that, you will definitely relax mentally. In addition to that, Caroline is vain. It was not easy for her to get into the board meeting, so why would she give up this opportunity? That's why I set up a bomb here in advance. I was just waiting for you guys to sneak in."

Meanwhile, the netizens were going wild. 

"Haha! Death Judge, you are something."