Vengeful Souls Seeking Death

"Now you understand why the light in the secret room is so weak. It's to reduce the probability of being discovered. When you kicked the wall just now, you were actually only a dozen centimeters away from the secret door. Thinking of the probability of you accidentally hitting it, I lowered the height of the secret door a little. Hehehe, you're already very smart, but it's a pity that you're a little lacking. I hope that in the next round, you'll perform even better."

After the live streamer finished explaining, Bipson was already stunned.

The netizens in the live stream room were in an uproar, exclaiming praises endlessly.

"Death Judge, you've created a secret chamber to kill someone."

"The live streamer's psychology is too awesome. You can think of everything. Why are you so awesome?"

"There's simply no one else. This time, it's really a test of your logical reasoning ability. I realize that the live streamer is becoming more and more handsome."