Death Notification Reappeared

After leaving, Jack immediately disappeared into the darkness. Of course, he could use the scene card to complete all of this, but it seemed to be less fun.

After uploading the photo into the system and scanning it, it displayed Arnold's information.

Crime Value: 80

Force value: 31 (max value of 45)

Seeing this result, Jack sneered and disappeared into the dark corner.

In the villa in the palace on Cloud Top, two hackers were typing rapidly on the keyboard. The images on the screen were disappearing one by one. Weibo, Twitter, and Baidu videos and photos of the Rolls-Royce collision case at the Tian En primary school had all mysteriously disappeared.

When the last photo disappeared, Vark stared at Arnold and said, "Look at what you've done. Can't you be a little better? More than twenty primary school students were injured by you. Five of them died. If I ever find you smoking that thing again, you'd better get out of here."