You Guys Have to Be More Reliable This Time

At this time, a slim girl came out with a lollipop in her hand. It was Judy. She looked at Jack from the corner of her eyes and then looked at Aisha. Suddenly, her eyes lit up.

"Aiyo, little beauty, did this big brother bully you?" Judy said.

Jack's face was full of black lines. 'Do I really not look like a good person?'

However, he could tell that Judy was joking. In the entire Zero Major Crimes Department, she was the most innocent.

"Little girl who eats lollipops, are we reporting this to the police?" Jack asked.

Judy rolled her eyes. "All little girls eat lollipops, but not all lollipops are little girls. Grandpa, report this to the hall over there. We are the Zero Major Crimes Department."

The dark lines on Jack's face deepened. This Judy really did not take any losses.

"Little sister, I'm sorry. We came from over there. They said that this case is under your jurisdiction," Jack said.