Naked Heart

As soon as he finished speaking, Jack walked to a corner.

He pushed the switch.

The electric motor started to operate randomly, pulling the iron chain. Aubrey and the other three were instantly pulled back, their eyes filled with fear.

"No, I don't want to be skinned. Let go of me."

"You're the devil. Ahhh! Let go of me. I know I'm wrong."

The iron chain slowly contracted, making the sound of friction against the metal ring. It was like the death knell of hell, deeply stimulating their auditory nerves. At this moment, their emotions were complicated. In the past, they had skinned others, but now it was their turn.

Seeing such a climactic change of events, the netizens were getting more and more excited.

"F*ck, the climax that everyone is looking at is finally here. Death Judge, skin them alive!"

"I hope this is unsolvable. Let them taste and experience how it feels like to be skinned."