The Third Round of the Game

The netizens in the live broadcast room applauded and cheered when they saw this scene.

"The game designed by the streamer is amazing. Burn them to death."

"F*ck. Even their bones are exposed. No wonder they screamed so miserably, but I like it."

"Actually, what we saw was only the surface. They were in much more pain than what we saw. The terrain of the swamp determined that the temperature inside was very high. When they took a breath, the high temperature of Baidu followed their trachea all the way down, constantly burning their internal organs. I guess the inside was already fully cooked."

"F*ck, is it that scary? I can already smell roasted meat!"

At this moment, Ross's nerves tensed up. He clenched his fists tightly. It seemed that the situation was even worse than he had imagined.

"Save them! Quick!"