Chapter 6: A Black Scythe.

"We are dead," whispered Kiya in a voice loud enough for Amy to hear before passing the phone to her.

Confused, she took the phone from Kiya and placed it on her right ear, wondering why Kiya would say something like that.

The moment she heard the growls in the background, Amy immediately understood what Kiya meant.

If the police had already turned into monsters, then who was going to save them since there was no way they could save themselves.

Amy was still busy thinking of what both of them could do to survive when she suddenly saw Kiya jerk forward as she started coughing violently.

Amy moved closer to pat her back and was shocked to see blood on both Kiya's hands and mouth.

Quickly, she uncovered the wound on Kiya's leg and was alarmed to see that the wound had not only gotten worse but the infection seemed to have spread from her ankle and had completely covered her entire leg.

"It's fine. It's obvious that I'm not going to make it," Kiya said trying her best to smile and put up a brave front even in the face of death.

" If you're dying then it's definite that I'm not too far behind you," said Amy, stretching out her right hand to show the black marks on her hand that was already starting to spread all over her arm.

At that moment, the banging on the door suddenly started to get louder and the growling had multiplied as both Amy and Kiya could feel that more mindless bodies had packed themselves behind the door they were resting on.

Turning towards Amy with a constrained smirk on her face, Kiya jokingly asked,

"Any last words?"

"That's not funny, Kiya," said Amy. She felt that she had already gotten to the stage where the fact that Kiya was her boss no longer mattered.

"It wasn't particularly a joke because I see no way of getting out of here alive. How long will the generator last? Without light, we're as good as dead. How long do you think it would take for this door to weaken and for them to break in? What about food and water? And above all, the black infection in our bodies isn't going anywhere. I bet even the best doctors wouldn't know how to deal with it," Kiya said with a heavy note of sadness in her voice.

"I don't know, what about hope and..."

But while Amy was still talking the door suddenly jerked inwards, as if it was hit by something large and huge.

Amy quickly got up and Kiya struggled to get on her feet before stepping away from the door as she watched Amy drag a heavy table and lean it against the door.

The heavy banging intensified as Amy and Kiya fearfully turned to look at each other.

"That door's not going to hold," Kiya suddenly said amidst the noise that reverberated through the entire room from the banging of the door.

"Let's go to the basement, maybe we can..."

"What...Go and die there? " interrupted Kiya before Amy could even complete her sentence.

Kiya felt very weak and tired and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't see any hope in sight.

Kiya understood that Amy was trying to be strong but they were two injured women and she was sure that there were more than ten bodies behind the door and they would most likely multiply, attracted by the noise from their fellow monsters.

Amy however felt a little peeved at the way Kiya was behaving.

"Yes they were most likely dying but it's not like they could just open the door and let the human monsters eat them," Amy angrily thought.

"What then would you like us to do?" Asked Amy aloud looking at Kiya.

At first, for a few seconds, Kiya said nothing and only the heavy banging of the door could be heard but the moment she opened her mouth to speak, the lock on the door suddenly broke, and bloody and filthy hands could be seen trying to pass their hands through the small open slit.

Terrified and shocked, Amy jumped back frightened out of her mind as she felt Kiya grab hold of her hand as they both panicked in terror.

They turned back and were already running down the stairs to the open basement out of fright when suddenly all the lights in the basement dimmed and they were stunned to see a person clothed in a dark cloak with a red mask on his face suddenly appear floating in the air above them.

He took looked behind them before turning his masked face towards them.

"Thankfully, I'm not too late this time around," the deep manly voice said in an ethereal voice.

Amy and Kiya were too shocked to say anything as they watched the masked man with a black scythe over his shoulder speak to them.

"There is no time," he said as both Amy and Kiya could also hear the growls upstairs intensify, followed by the sounds of a breaking door.

"We have failed but both of you cannot. The Emperor must be killed and remember to be careful of the Quasi's," he said before suddenly taking a pause.

The round symbols on his red masks suddenly started spreading to his neck as he moved his necked from the left to the right and back again.

"I shouldn't tell you this but it's crucial that you both know this, the moment any of you get corrupted, You die," he said speedily, hastening the speed of his speech as the mindless humans broke into the room and one of them could be seen dragging itself down the stairs.

"I wish you luck. The fate of the universe is in your hands," he said, before slowly raising his hand and snapping it two times in quick succession.

Before Amy and Kiya could ask the masked man any questions, Kiya watched their bodies start to fade, and in a second, Amy was gone.

Kiya was shocked to notice that her own body was almost completely gone and was greatly startled to see the masked man suddenly descend before coming to stand beside her.

" Only one of you may return," he whispered in her ears.

Then darkness took over and he was gone.