Chapter 10: The Importance of Food

Amy now known as Mayami willingly followed her parents to the Green mother's cathedral to thank the Green goddess for the miracle of bringing her back from the dead.

After silently suffering through the blessings of one archbishop to another and having her head soaked in holy water, Mayami was finally happy to be able to leave the Cathedral.

When she finally got home, she felt like she was on the verge of starvation and couldn't wait for her mother to prepare something for all of them to eat, with the help of her father.

Mayami had offered to help but both of her parents had declined saying that they wanted her to do nothing but rest in the meantime.

As she watched them prepare different ingredients, mixing them into the pot, Mayami sat on one of the chairs in the kitchen and started counting all the things she had to do.

" Firstly, I have to kill the emperor, secondly, I mustn't get corrupted, and finally, I have to save my world and this one," thought Mayami in her head.

As she thought about all these things and looking at the parents that weren't really hers, she tried her best to decipher how the real Mayami died among the memories she had inherited from the body she was in, only to discover a huge hole.

" Mother, Father," she called out to them dragging their attention away from what they had been doing.

" How did I die?," Mayami asked softly hoping that this would forever be the last time she would bring up the topic of her death.

Surprised at the question their daughter had asked them, they both turned to look at each other at the same time, but it was her father that decided to answer first.

"We weren't there but what the authorities at the Mageria said was that your friend, Diraya found you dead, on your bed, on the morning of your qualification exams. The healers then tried to find out what was wrong with you but they didn't find anything wrong," her father patiently explained to her.

"Thanks. I really just wanted to know what happened. It's not like it matters now that I am alive," said Mayami calmly as she smiled to reassure her parents that everything was fine before watching them nod in agreement as they went back to the food they were making.

In the meantime, Mayami rapidly started blinking as several strange thoughts appeared in her mind.

" What if the old Mayami died, for me to replace her? "

Mayami couldn't help but ask herself these questions before deciding to try and figure out, how and why the owner of her current body had died.

After a few minutes, the food was ready and Mayami quickly helped her parents serve it. She was hungry and before her parents sat down at the dining table, Mayami was already seated and a piece of meat was already half-way into her mouth when she discovered a set of eyes staring at her in wonder.

She looked up, away from her food, and dropped the fork with the piece of meat stuck on it, on her plate.

She was about to ask why they were staring at her and not eating when she suddenly recalled from her memories that the people of the kingdom never ate or did anything without praying to the deity they believed in.

"Sorry," said Mayami before pushing her chair to the back with her butt and getting to her feet.

She then slightly bowed her and closed her eyes before clasping her hands together in front of her hoping that the prayer wouldn't take too long. With the food directly in front of her, Mayami could already hear her stomach rumbling in anticipation.

A few seconds went by and shortly after, she heard her Father start to pray.

"The Green Mother, we are your faithful believers and we are here again to thank you for the gifts that you have given us. Our family is united once again only by your mercy and grace and also you never cease to provide our daily food. We ask that you continue to bless us and replenish us.

In your holy name have we prayed,"

"Amen," chorused both Mayami and her mother.

The moment the prayer was said by her father, Mayami bent her back and was about to seat to devour her food when she heard her mother speak.

" Don't you think I should also pray and thank the Goddess for her blessings too?" Asked her mother.

" She has done a lot for our family," her mother said as she continued speaking.

However, by then, Mayami was already seated in her seat slicing a bigger portion of the steak on her plate.

" Truthfully Mother, I don't think we can thank her enough," she said before sticking a large chunk into her mouth as she began to eat.

The moment they saw their daughter start to eat her food, they both decided to also sit and eat as they quickly joined her.

Mayami continued to eat quickly, hoping to quench the hunger in her belly and had just gulped the iced tea in her glass cup when she looked at her parents who were eating at a slow pace.

She then turned back to her plate and was busy slicing her food into tiny pieces when she heard her father suddenly speak.

" I and your mother think that you should start school at the Mageria soon," he said before taking another bite from the steak on his own plate but was surprised to see his daughter who had been enjoying her food somehow suddenly encounter some difficulty swallowing hers.