Chapter 55: The gods are Mysterious

"What-eevver," Gaia replied with a big sigh stretching the word longer than was necessary, flipping her right hand back to show that she didn't really care about the things Mayami knew because she was sure that it was small and unworthy of her attention,

"There are three main gods: The green goddess, The Phantom Defiler, and the All-knowing one. In the three who do you think is the strongest?" she then asked, curious to know if Mayami was truly listening and to ensure that she wasn't just wasting her time,

"Ehm, the All-knowing?" She asked wondering how long she would have to answer questions she didn't know the answers to while keeping up the back and forth that was going on between them, before thinking in her mind,

"A book would have been so much easier since a book wouldn't ask me questions, but I guess this way, I get to assimilate a lot of information and would be able to remember it for a long time," she thought as her mind slightly strayed,