Chapter 59: The Red-haired Slave

"My lady, I would advise you not to..." Farr began saying to Sahana but immediately stopped talking the moment he noticed that she wasn't listening to him and simply continued walking forward towards the crowd, standing close to the edge of the road on the other side,

The moment she saw the crowd, she moved immediately towards it not caring a bit about whether or not her maid and her knight followed her and she slightly hoped that they didn't,

"What's going on here?" She asked the man beside her the moment she entered the crowd, wondering why a young boy was kneeling in the middle of the street wearing nothing but worn-out shorts as his entire body was filled with bruises and welts from being continuously whipped,

"Don't disturb me, woman," answered the middle-aged man impatiently turning around to warn the woman who had just spoken to him,